8th EYFDM Forum 2024

What is the EYFDM?

The European Young Family Doctors’ Movement (formerly called Vasco da Gama Movement - VDGM) is the network for early career Family Doctors of the European Regional Branch of the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA). Early career Family Doctors are defined as those in training for Family Medicine and in the first five years after qualification as a family doctor. (source: https://eyfdm.eu/about)

What is the EYFDM Forum?

The EYFDM Forum (formerly called VDGM Forum) is a european medical congress held by EYFDM and organised by one of its national member organisations. It is an independent congress and not related for example to the WONCA Europe Conference. The EYFDM Forum is (like the EYFDM Preconferences at the WONCA Europe Congress) THE meeting place for young and future family doctors (= general pracitioners) across europe. It is an event to share ideas, meet new people and learn for the job.

We are very excited to host the 8th EYFDM Forum (and first Forum after the end of most Covid-related pandemic rules) in Vienna/Austria in April 2024!
- The Austrian Host Organising Committee